
Showing posts from November, 2017


A long time ago I realised that I'm driven by curiosity to learn new stuff regardless of whether or not I have anything to gain from learning it. For example, I use (and support) Windows at work, have a perfectly good Mac at home but do all my tinkering with a Linux laptop just to learn about all the main operating systems available today. I even switched from a perfectly good Ubuntu installation to Arch Linux simply because I wanted to explore another distribution. I also find myself re-inventing the wheel and building things, not because I have a need for them, but because I can. This is exactly what the Pi-Touch project I started in Spring 2017 is: a touchscreen clock radio that could easily have been created using a tablet and a few apps but which I chose to build myself using a Raspberry Pi 3 and an official 7" touchscreen .  There are many tutorials on the Internet for installing and configuring Music Player Daemon  and tons of examples on how to control the com...